Phuket race week Ladies Team rental boat from Sail Escapes

Sailescapes Ladies Team Phuket Race Week

As sponsors of this years Phuket Race Week Regatta we have entered an all lady team in this years event.

Local sailing talent Liz Schoch approached us to discuss ladies sailing in Regatta’s, her point was that ladies tend to be overlooked as race sailors by male teams and they have little opportunity to develop race skills themselves.

We agree so donated one of our Farr 1104’s to the girls for the regatta, we will follow this up by making the boat available for club races at Ao Chalong Yacht Club for the exclusive use for ladies to develop their race skills in a comfortable way with no shouting men on the boat !

1st race was yesterday and Farrgo came in 3rd, not too shabby. Feel free to join in the fun girls, contact for more information

Phuket race week Ladies Team boat from Sail Escapes
Phuket race week Ladies Team rental boat from Sail Escapes
Phuket race week Ladies Team boat from Sail Escapes